Sunday, March 7, 2010


I finally watched Valentine's Day yesterday. I'm a softy, and I spent the whole movie making high-pitched sounds of  "awwwwwww"!!! It's an extremely awwww-able movie, and I loved every second of it! I found myself rooting for Ashton Kutcher's character (I usually hate everything he does, on principle, you know), hating Patrick Dempsey (NEVER thought I'd hate McDreamy one day!) and finding a creepingly serious kid the most endearing ever. Whenever I wasn't awwww-ing, I was smiling or laughing. Besides, the ice on the casting cake: one of my eternal crushes Topher Grace and I-love-her-and-wanna-be-just-like-her Anne Hathaway! And a great surprise awaited me with Julia Robert's last scene: I cried immediately and shamelessly. Happy "oh, isn't it adorable?!" tears, of course.
And one of the things that made me smile to the point of hurting my jaw was one of Shirley Mclane's lines; I tried to find the exact quote on the internet, but since it's a very recent movie, I couldn't find it. But it went something along these lines: "When you love someone, you love them as a whole, and not just the good parts. The bad parts too."
If you really do love something or someone - be it your significant other, a friend or family - there is no "despite". Only "because". You love everything that makes that person be what they are, and that includes what we have the bad habit of calling "flaws". There are no flaws - only traits. That doesn't mean, at all, that you should delude yourself and consider the other perfect; it means that you should try to see them as clearly as you can, and take them for who they are - and annoying habits, bad-temper, silences, angry words, and what-nots come with the package. Stop labeling one's traits as "qualities" or "flaws" and just accept them. At least, that's my philosophy. For me, that's love - and loyalty.

But then again, I'm in a romantic mood. I was on the subway on my way to the cinema yesterday, and this adorable old couple entered. He looked strong enough, but his wife was small and really fragile-looking, and he helped her take every single step. As it turns out, there was only one available seat, three seats away from me; she sat down, and he was left standing by her side. I did the only thing there was to be done: I stood up at once and offered him my seat.
Adorable Old Man [smiling kindly at me]: "Oh no child, thank you very much, but that won't be necessary"
Me: "Oh please, I insist!"
Adorable Old Man then smiled kindly once more, while stroking his wife's snowy hair in the most gentle manner: "Oh no. You see, I don't wanna be away from her". Adorable Fragile-Looking Old Woman looked at me, smiling just as sweetly.
Three seats. They didn't wanna be three seats away from each other.
Growing old like that? We should be so lucky.


Ricademus said...

Like you, I am not a fan of Kutcher or Dempsey and I do like Topher (what a great name--no crush though). Now I want to see the movie.

It's nice the way the elderly can show us what true love is really all about.

"a creepingly serious kid". Guess who was a "a creepingly serious kid". Yep, it was me! I grew out of it though. But one of my older sisters must have stopped paying attention when I was around 11 or 12--she recently told her son not to be so serious "like Uncle Rick". LOL, me too serious? Pfft!

Rml said...

Hahahahhahaha, really?! You, a serious kid - who'da thunk it?! Well, turns out I was one creepingly serious kid (and teenager) too! I only grew out of it when I got to college... and now I'm just this huge goofball, hehe.
Oh god, I hope I don't become "serious Aunt Robbie"!

Ricademus said...

Haha, hopefully your family HAS been paying attention recently. My older sisters still call me "ricky" and seem to think I'm still 8!!! Oh well.

I hope you had fun as a teenager, even though you were still pretty serious. =)

Rml said...

You know, I don't think they were! My grandma seems to think I'm still a 15 year old... like you said: oh well...
I did have fun, hehe! But I'll admit it took me quite a while to learn how to loosen up!

beanizer_05 said...

"i wanna make you smile whenever you're sad..carry you around when your arthritis is bad..all i wanna growing old with you..
i give you medicine when your tummy you a fire when the furnace breaks..oh it could be so nice growing old with you..."

~~nothing, i just love this song eversince~~(sniff sniff)

Rml said...

@bean: awwwww... don't cry bean-boy! Otherwise I'll start the torture earlier today!
And I bet anything this is another of your cheesy songs... tsk tsk tsk...

beanizer_05 said...

hey! how many times do i have to tell you i don't like cheese!!..blame the singer!..
wait, i just noticed here while writing in your comment box.."Now, let's hear my stalkers' words!"..

Am i a stalker?..i'm just your student! i'm following you..for..for..lessons(?)..

Anonymous said...

its a very nice, loving post....i really really loved it....even i wanted to watch the movie...but EXAMS!!! ill see to it that i catch it after my exams...

YAM said...

ahhh. that is really sweet.
my friends and I were walking in the mall when we saw an old couple holding hands while walkig, it just melt my heart..
it makes me wanna believe in forever:)

anyways, i felt in love with that movie too. i just love Jennifer garner and Ashton..

and i always love Mcdreamy, no matter what he do..haha

Rml said...

@bean: really, you don't like cheese? Then how come you're sooooo cheesy??? Hehe! Aaaaaand... yep. you're my stalkers alright! That's great! Only famous and/or beautiful cool pple have stalkers! So thnx!

@bella: oh dear... hope you do great on your final exams! We'll all be here rooting for ya! =)

@angel: hahaha, yeah, my feelings exactly! It makes us all girls believe in forever, doesn't it?! I know I do, despite this and that!
Yes... McDreamy... btw, McSteamy is also in the movie! They're both soooo gorgeous...

beanizer_05 said...

ahem! those Mcpeople are much gorgeous than beaaaaaaan??..hmm..i doubt it..

Anonymous said...

oh my God...beani is again jealous!!!

@robz: thanx a ton!!

Didz said...

Ok, am i that late again to comment? Sheeesh! Now i'm like the late comer..hehehe.
Oh my! this is weird! I love Anne Hathaway too! But what's wrong with McDreamy? heehe..i think he's kinda cute but ok, maybe it's just me.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm planning and looking forward to watch it sooner. Reading your post about that movie, I think I'll drown in my own tears..
That was really a sweet couple u met there. It's like everyone's dream to end up having a strong romantic relationship like that. It really amazed me...

Rml said...

@bean: yes, they are. Sorry. That's why they're McDReamy and McSteamy. You're, at best, McJealous!

@bella: u go girl! =)

@Didz: hahahahha, yeah, just a wee late, but that's okay... McDreamy is dreaaaaaaamy - but in the movie he's a jerk... hahahaha, don't drown! U don't know how to swim!!!!
And yes, that couple was really touching!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

I'm a hopeless romantic myself. The last part of this post about the old couple literally made me awwwwww. =)

Rml said...

@Chiky: hahahhahahaha, yeah, that's exactly what I wanted to do when Adorable Old Man gave me such an answer! In my head, I was super high-pitched going awwwwwwww!